
Sable Dawn is a new metal project from vocalist Sarah Golmon and vocalist/guitarist Kevin Valliquette and collaborators to be announced.

Musicians/songwriters! We are seeking passionate, skilled allies to take this project to the next level, whether that's one additional person or multiple, for one song or for a lifetime, and independent of any locational limitations. The possibilities with the tools available today are incredible! Please contact us for additional details.

With musical sensibilities deeply rooted in epic, melodic metal styles - progressive, power, symphonic, doom, and melodeath, to name a few - Kevin and Sarah also bring to the table influences from across many genres, including a variety of folk traditions and world music. 

Armed with a penchant for compelling melodies, rhythms that make a body want to move, and an aesthetic sense that leans decidedly to the Gothic, Sable Dawn is poised to make a mark in the metal music milieu.